Episode 500(!), or how well I've been eating lately.
Small pictures, many of them, covering the last few weeks...
Along with Thanksgiving eating, there was a fair amount of boozing,



some sushi making,

some gluten-free bakery visiting,

and, of course, pancakes.

And also, bacon.

And a little something from the family recipe book, untouched for generations, coffee pudding, which involves a bag of marshmallows, a cup of brewed coffee, and some whipping cream. "These are a few of my favorite things" as the song says. It turned out quite delicious.

On the non-food front, we learned there are now Segway tours in the Twin Cities,

we booked a venue for our nuptials,

and we got a visual confirmation on the mommy Molly situation.

A very nice trip, then back home for a little work, but then we were off to Mexico, for the nuptials of Laura and Anil. Here's a link, but be warned, it's mostly pictures of iguanas. That's just who I am.
Briefly, Mexico was about, of course, the wedding, and staying at this crazy resort. Not like certifiable crazy, just like new experience crazy. Check the photos.