Four Months

Yesterday Viv passed the four month milestone. She has been more vocal, more active, and more focused recently, and as long as she is napped and fed, she seems to be up for just about anything. She comes to work with me three days a week for between 4-5 hours each day, and she really enjoys being in the Baby Björn front pack, as long as I'm not sitting down.
She isn't sleeping in the car as much, but that doesn't make her upset, necessarily. She coos and babbles, and I sing to her or play music, and for the most part she enjoys the ride. Shopping with her hasn't been a problem, and it's honestly easier to get things done with her OUTSIDE the house than inside. Although she does like the Björn at home, or the park, or anywhere, really.
Monday is her next checkup, and another round of shots, so we'll see how big she is and how upset she gets. She is rapidly outgrowing clothes and her various seats. She is also just on the verge of rolling over. On her back she brings her legs up and tips onto one side, and on her tummy she lifts her head up and moves her legs back and forth, then usually sets her head down on the side and just sits there. A while back she was lifting her head and then kind of dropping it a little too hard back down on the floor, so it's nice to see the side head choice working for her.

Her hair is doing strange and wonderful things, as she started with brown hair which seems to be falling out on the back and sides as blond hair grows in on top. However, she does still have a fair amount of hair in the mullet region for some reason.
She giggles and "talks" quietly sometimes, and it almost feels like a conversation some days. Soon enough it will be, I'm sure.
"Daddy said so."
"Daddy said so."
"Daddy said so."
Great to read! Lil' S is doing many of the same things. I love the image of you at work with her, and singing to her/with her in the car! Lil' C is in the "Why?" stage. I actually got, "Why are the clouds white?" yesterday. "Why is it raining?" "Why do we have to go home?" "Why does day care close?" *laugh* I'm also getting a lot of, "But I WANT to!"
- Molly
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