7, 8, 9, 10, 11!
Here we are at 11 months old. It's a long way from six months... Way back in July we took a road trip to Cambridge, MA, which was our first "long" car ride. We visited David and Ellen and Stella and Ben and Bob and Mary and saw Casey Afflek in a park and visited museums and ate delicious foodstuffs. Then in August we took a trip to Minnesota, which was Viv's first plane ride. We visited relatives and other babies and took stroller walks and ate delicious foodstuffs.
Then, back in CT, we survived Hurricane Irene and 5 days of no electricity at our house. Not a real problem for Viv, as she is on a pretty reliable sunup to sundown schedule.
In September, we took yet another, even longer road trip to Virginia, to visit Stef and Brad and Oliver and Burt, and to see Rebecca and Mike get married.

Another happy couple
September, which some of you already know was a crazy month for us. By this point in our summer Val had applied for, interviewed for, was offered, and accepted a new job at Duke University, and we were preparing to move back to North Carolina. Our plan was to be there by the first week in October, so Val would have some time to settle in before starting work. We did hire movers this time, to pack up our things and load the truck, then drive the truck, then unload the truck for us. Lessons were learned about this process, but it was worth it and I don't know how we would have gotten it done otherwise. Another post another time about moving.
In the meantime, Viv has been eating more and more foodstuffs...
...learning to crawl and stand...
...and generally being helpful around the house.
We have had several adventures around the Triangle already, and it's great to be back around so many good friends in such a great area. Viv is getting a few more teeth, catching the cats more often, and generally in great spirits no matter what situation she finds herself in, and we are looking forward to the holidays, followed by Viv's first birthday in January.
I hope to get this blog back in order, but it seems blogger and flickr are conspiring against me to make it much more cumbersome to easily throw together text and photos to create a post. I'm not sure if I should give up on blogger for blogging, flickr for online image storing, or both. There has to be a better way. Stay tuned. Or check in every six months or so, same difference!
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