Just some camera stuff...
I received my griptastic additions to my G9 last week and adhesed them to the camera.
The grip, for the front.
![G9 grip](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2252/2050175354_961f614e94_m.jpg)
And the thumb rest, for the back.
![G9 thumbrest](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2141/2049389611_31307e5949_m.jpg)
I ordered these after seeing them here, www.mycanong7.com/65801/460401.html. 50% for the coolness of the machined aluminum look, and 50% for the improved grip.
I also found a cheap case at Target, which will hold just enough camera + battery for my needs.
![G9 case](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2303/2050175542_0dc1e2b446_m.jpg)
True testing will commence tomorrow, but I'm really enjoying the zoom with image stabilization. Observe - dimly lit room, full wide.
![optical wide @ 500](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2294/2050183178_ec5600f157.jpg)
Dimly lit room, 6x optical zoom.
![optical zoom @ 800](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2072/2049392813_4b406cfb7b.jpg)
Dimly lit room, full on optical/digital combined 24x zoom.
![digital zoom @ 800](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2126/2050180082_fc256885e3.jpg)
The quality/lighting aren't great, but you can make out most of the label, and we're definitely close to film grain here, even with a small sensor packed with pixels.
Expect food pictures for the next few days...
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