March 13 would have been dad's 68th birthday, so I took a quick trip to hang out with friends and family. And some tiny people I hardly even know yet. A fine time was had by all. I think.
Jamaica Plain, MA

The next weekend Val had a conference in Boston so we took a quick trip and stayed with our friend Heather and ate and drank delicious things.

The following weekend it was a return to MN for more family/friend fun in early April. But we did need to get back home...
Middletown, CT

Because we had houseguests coming. Houseguests who like to model cheese.
Philladelphia, PA

Another weekend, another roadtrip. This time to Philly to see Flight of the Conchords @ the Tower Theater. We were in the nosebleed section with some really drunk asshole, but in all seriousness it was totally worth it. It was hilarity and the next day we went to the disturbingly informative
Mütter Museum, which was also totally worth it, disturbingly informative, and there was something eerily familiar about the place. Turns out that last part was just
Ben, who happened to be visiting the Mütter on the same day at the same time. The next day he came to...

Where we ate and drank and made pinhole cameras for
World Pinhole Photography Day, April 26, 2009. Then Ben was on to other locations, and this past weekend we were off to...
Brooklyn, NY

To visit new parents Emily and Rachel, but really to meet little Liv, and to eat and drink more delicious things.
Click the pictures above for more pictures specific to each location. Now you're all caught up, and I can go to bed. GOODNIGHT!