DHWE updates, now coming to you via an iMac (400MHz DV SE, OS Jaguar, DVD drive, firewire) that I rescued from the American Way Thrift store in Raleigh. It wouldn't boot reliably in the store, and they wanted $174.95 for it, so I bought it home and bought it a new hard drive and now it seems fine. I'm gonna GIG the RAM eventually, but all in all a worthwhile purchase, I think.

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- So, another month come and gone. What am I doing w...
- What we need is a new respect for the definition o...
- Val and I went to the coast two weekends ago to vi...
- Emily and Rachel have come and gone. They're divin...
- It's not the heat, it's the...no, actually, it is ...
- August, well, here we are. One year in North Carol...
- Phone-post. There is a Nokia cell phone that takes...
- Well, another week has slipped by, and I forgot to...
- JULY!?!?!?!?!??!?! Where did June go? How did that...
- CDS in the changer... Quasi : Featuring "Birds" S...
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