Treasures and Adventures
Guess what? There's still more old crap in our house!

Mrs. Cupcakes found this drafting set of compii up in her closet. German made, green velvet lined leather case, guessing it was 30s or 40s era.
One of my favorite details is that the snaps on the case have the initials of the manufacturer on them

E-D-C-O, for Eugene Dietzgen Company.

We had visitors from many lands (Montanna and North Carolina) over the past week. Mrs. Cupcakes' mom stopped in for a bit and we showed her around, and then this weekend Dean was here after being at a conference in Boston earlier in the week. We showed Dean around as well, and he persuaded us to go find Holy Land USA over in Waterbury. We knew it had been closed for quite some time, but that was what made him want to go as it would be his third visit to a closed Holy Land-themed park. Who knew there were so many? Dean knew. So we went. There he goes now!

It was fascinating and sad to see it in it's current state of collapse. And creepy-as-all-get-out.

You can read all about it here. The rest of my flickr set is here.
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