city streets, good eats, & accumulation of 8 to 12 inches...
Pictures from Middletown wandering...

Last night Mrs. Cupcakes made a veggie shepherd's pie for dinner, and for dessert we had dark chocolate brownies (in-the-round!), along with special accompaniment.

B-rad's Mochachocolatatata Stout...

...and Glenkinchie scotch.

We were all settled in at home, waiting for the Nor'Easter to hit, but it got started pretty late. This is what I woke up to this morning, and it's definitely still coming down.

Those two lumps are Corollas. Not that we have anywhere to go today.
One of these photos reminded me of the always entertaining game of Create a Band Name.
This week we will be featuring a song by the fresh new band, Go Slow Sound Signal, off of their new hit release Danger.
Can we get an updated photo of some custom-made snow angels next to those Corollas?
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