
I came home last night around 11:30 from an evening of coffee and PBRs with David to find little dots on the side of the house. Lumpy dots. With eyes. FROGS! I think because the light was on outside the door, and the bugs were attracted to the light, the frogs were attracted to the bugs. In turn, the neighbor cat was out and attracted to the frogs. They were probably bite sized for him, but I'm not sure he knew what to do with them. He seemed to enjoy stepping on them, so I kept shooing him away.

They were on the wall, the door, the windows. David counted at least a dozen that he could see. I stepped inside and grabbed the camera and took these pictures. They weren't very big, and I doubt they'll get much bigger. It was fun, so I hope they got a bite to eat, and I hope they come back.

Speaking of David, he has some more gocco pictures on his site. We did more t-shirts, and we did them right this time.

Rain, rain, rain. Good for sitting inside and knitting, I guess. Or blogging. AND blogging, I mean.


OK, so there will be a delay in my purchase of the Anscoflex II. I worked at Southeastern yesterday, and the Nishika 3D camera that has been on "clearance" since I started working there 6 months ago, had sitting next to it, a Nimslo Opti-Lite. This sealed the deal. I had to have it. The camera in the flowerpot is a nod to Susie Cupcakes and her new yarn.

What it does is take 4 35mm half-frame images at once, which, when properly processed and printed, gives you the 3D effect of those winking postcards, or whichever lenticular postcard you may remember from your youth. I thought the last of the lenticular photo processors had closed it's doors for good recently, but just today I happened upon www.clik3d.com, which seems to be a fully functional processor of lenticular 3D camera film, not that the film is anything special.

Speaking of special films, Val and I went to see "Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill" last night at the Carolina theater in Durham, and I highly recommend it. I won't get into details, but if you have a chance to see it, you should. Something for everybody. Unless you're a movie-hater.

I'll be sure to post some of my images from the new camera as soon as I get them back from Southeastern. Should be fun, even if I never turn them into anything lenticular.


I'll have you know, I am Mr. Cupcakes. And now I can finally get on with writing my thrilling novel, Dr. Hectic and Mr. Cupcakes.

I've taken the motorcycle to work a few days this week, with the truck on it's last legs, and I have had my first freeway rides, with the bike performing admirably. I haven't joined the "ton-up" club yet, but with a tune up and new tires, I might just get there yet. Oh, yeah, I need to update (and move) the motorcycle page(s) as well. I have lots of pictures, and I'm trying to figure out how to post video, too.


Last night we went to see Aimee Mann at the NC Art Museum, as part of their summer concert series. They have a really nice amphitheater outside on the museum grounds. I experimented with some concert photography, and I'm pretty pleased with the results. You can check them out here.

We also said farewell to Hanka this weekend, and last weekend, too, but this weekend she actuallly went back to the Czech Republic, and now we all have to plan our trips to go visit her there.

The summer is getting hot, my truck is dying a not so slow death, and other than that, things are pretty good.


Stegs met Miles the dog on Sunday. It went well. A traditional attempt at butt-sniffing, and then there was no problem.

Next I think I'll try to knit a Godzilla...

Today is brother Eric's birthday. Send him a note. Call or email me and I'll give you his cell phone number and you can text him. Essentially, you should just bother him all day long.


The Anscoflex II...my next "new" camera, as soon as I can find one. It takes 620 film, which I've re-spooled from 120 before, and it looks like it came from 1950's outer space. One sold on eBay last night for $12, so it's only a matter of time. There are some sample images taken with one (and lots of other interesting stuff) here. Or just do a Google Image search for Anscoflex II.



Soon to be banana peppers (I hope...).

Soon to be herbs.

This weekend Val made brioche (sp?) and I knit a dinosaur. You can call him Stegs.

The brioche were even better because they had super cocoa chocolate inside! You can call them delicious.

Stegs strikes out on his own (now with eyes!).

GB senses a challenge...

Stegs loses challenge to GB.

Stegs vs. Striper. Striper would've won but I rescued Stegs since he would'nt have survived the weekend if I left him alone with all the cat challengers around here. Stegs came from a pattern here. She's knit-crazy. Or knit-tastic or something.

P.S. For those fools not in the know, the P-Funk All Star (other than Val) in the fuzzy background of the previous post is George Clinton. He was at O'Hare as we were checking in last weekend.


Can you spot the P-Funk All Star in this photo?

Click HERE and/or HERE for more info.