
Veni, Vidi, Vomit!
We came, we saw, we puked. Our trip to the Bay Area was great, aside from a bout of food poisoning that took us out of commission for 24 hours or so. We're not sure what caused it, but it was definitely something we ate that did not agree with us.
Our flight got in Saturday afternoon, we picked up a rental car, and drove through some traffic to Emeryville in the east bay, to have dinner with Michelle and Stu, and Malena and Graham, our hosts for the week. It was a long travel day but we stayed awake for a dinner of cedar-planked salmon and mashed potatoes with salad. The cheese from before dinner also served as the dessert after dinner, along with something called limoncello that was an alcohol-lemonade the likes of which I've never seen.
Sunday was brunch and hanging out, with a BART ride into the city proper and an afternoon at the restored ferry building. Oysters consumed that afternoon are on the list of possible suspects.
Monday we went with Malena to Japan Town and like fools, decided to walk from there to City Lights Bookstore. We made it, but on the return trip we caught a cab and realized how far we had actually walked.
Tuesday was essentially lost to illness, but Malena learned how to knit, and we just took it easy for the duration of our stay.
There were many breakfasts, the obligatory visit to Kimono My House, and a fine time was had by all.
One of my social activist calendars (yes, I have more than one) lists March 12 as Jack Kerouac's birthday, which just happens to be the day we're flying to San Francisco, famous for the City Lights bookstore, among other things in the Beat Scene. Val wanted to go to City Lights since she has been processing a collection that included a signed 1959 copy of "Howl" by Allen Ginsberg.
On an unrelated photographic note:
One of my social activist calendars (yes, I have more than one) lists March 12 as Jack Kerouac's birthday, which just happens to be the day we're flying to San Francisco, famous for the City Lights bookstore, among other things in the Beat Scene. Val wanted to go to City Lights since she has been processing a collection that included a copy of "Howl" by Allen Ginsberg. I think.
On an unrelated photographic note:

Undoubtably the finest birthday gift I received was sushi. I have had a sushi dinner for my birthday every year since I was in high school, and this year was an exception, in multiple ways. I didn't go out for sushi this year, I went Mexican, but the sushi came to me. As I sat drinking my margarita at the bar, guests arriving, Hanka approached me with her gift, HANDMADE HANKA™ SUSHI! Val and I went to Hanka's for a party and brought sushi making basics and made some rolls so people could see how it was done by the self-taught, untrained hand. We also gave Hanka a starter kit with a mat and a bamboo spatula, and a recipe for sushi rice preparation. She did a very good and delicious job, with a California/cream cheese combo roll. Sushi making is a great excuse for a party, but I've never received such a fine example of my student's work. "and proud we are of all of them..."
WEST COAST ALERT! Those of you in the East Bay region, this is your final warning. The schedule is on the message bored?, and the rental car is confirmed. I'm going mostly to take pictures, but if you'll be around, we'd love to see you. E-mail me if you fit the profile.

Our foster cat Rocky was adopted this week, so we're in line for another. I think we're getting a little tabby guy, so hopefully that'll work out ok with the other cats.