Phone-post. There is a Nokia cell phone that takes 640x480 digital pictures. These pictures can then be emailed. Uh-oh.
Well, another week has slipped by, and I forgot to mention the highlights of the family weekend. This, for one:

That's Val's Grandma piloting our rented pontoon boat on the St. Croix river. Everyone who wanted had a go at it. I was coerced into piloting us in and out of the dock, as no one else claimed to be quite as seaworthy as I. Arrrrr, arrrrrrrr...

That was Saturday, and Sunday was my mom's 60th birthday. We had a splendid dinner at W.A. Frost's in St. Paul. Gravlax and shrimp appetizers with my gin and tonic. I had the special that was very similar to tuna, but not, and Val had the salmon. Scrumptious. Then back to the folks house for "chocolate wafer and whip cream cake" for dessert. A perfect finish.
JULY!?!?!?!?!??!?! Where did June go? How did that happen? Sheesh...
I took Val to the airport this morning to send her back to Fargo. She'll be travelling to Stillwater, MN with the rest of her family for a reunion for her mom's side of the family. I'm flying out Friday afternoon, going to dinner in Stillwater that night, reunion activities all day Saturday, and then spending time with my family Sunday for my mom's birthday and flying back with Val Very early Monday morning. If I have time to see any of you Twin Citians I'll let you know. Maybe Sunday.