My dad died on Tuesday afternoon, after suffering a heart attack while driving his car. He drove up onto the median, and no other cars or people were involved. Some people stopped and tried to help, called 911. He was taken in an ambulance to Regions Hospital and died either on the way or shortly after arriving. My mom called me at work and Val and I flew to MN first thing Wednesday morning.
There has been an overwhelming show of love, support and kindness toward my family in the very short time since this occurred. I wanted to post to let people know what had happened and to thank everyone for their kind thoughts and calls and emails. It means the world to my family, and you have no idea how it helps us though this experience.
This evening there were anonymously placed star votive holders, made of ice, on our front steps, and a sheet with the lyrics to "This Little Light of Mine" and the comment that "Lee's light shines in Alex and Eric and Jan and everyone else Lee loved."
I hope that those who knew him, or even knew of him and his spirit will remember him often, and keep the memory of him with them for a long time.

By Lee Bajuniemi
April 18, 2007
I have gradually realized that
I have only a limited number of breaths for the duration of my life
I have deliberately made my breaths longer and fewer and
I have noticed that it slows down my limited number of heart beats.
I have only a limited number of steps to take, so
I have stepped in the direction and the pace that yields the most satisfaction.
I have only a limited number of occasions for affection and nurturing, so
I have been spending time with the persons who are the best for me, and v/v.
I have only a limited amount of time to read interesting things, so
I have concentrated on essays, biographies and poetry of writers I value.
I have only limited resources for travel to places I love or have never visited, so
I have been going to those places and planning destinations that mean much to me.
I have only a limited number of meals to create and consume, so
I have been choosing menus and recipes both at and away from home.
I have only a limited number of words to put together on paper, so
I have been carefully thinking what I want to leave for my sons to know how I think.
I have only a limited number of words to speak, especially with my clients, so
I have been measuring carefully what purpose I really want a conversation to serve.
I have only a limited number of laughs to enjoy for the duration of my life, so
I have become determined to maximize things I notice that hold humor and happiness.
I have only a limited number of chances to find beauty and peace and silence, so
I have fine-tuned my aesthetic radar to be as open as possible to those elements.
I have only a limited number of rivers and lakes and streams to know, so
I have checked on state parks, national monuments and recreation areas to visit.
I have learned that silence restores and refreshes and reassures, even though
I have a deep conviction that I will eventually have ample peace, so
I have spent daily time meditating, absorbing the quiet around me, so
I will be able to breathe more slowly and for a long, long time.