(BKY=Bucky=Buckminster Fuller)

Last Sunday Bethany, Val and I headed to the New Haven to catch the Metro North train to the NYC. Our one true objective was to visit the Whitney Museum and take in the R. Buckminster Fuller exhibit therein. Added bonus #1, there was also a Robert Mapplethorpe Polaroid exhibit there. Added bonus #2, also lots of great arts. Added bonus #3, NYC.

Almost right outside of Grand Central Terminal was a street fair stretching for several blocks, with food and random product vendors. The street was closed to vehicle traffic, and full of hot ladies, tempting me with their wares.

Don't get me wrong, I love me some gyros, but being a married man now, I resisted the sirens and had the falafel pita, which for some reason contained one stuffed grape leaf and one tiny veggie egg roll, but was nevertheless delicious. Shoulda snapped a picture, but I was hungry, so I ate it.
Our walk up to the Whitney showed off some of the usual sights in New York. Men with fabulous shoes, for one.

Still, it never fails to amaze me how I always seem to see some kind of construction equipment in the city that I have never seen anywhere else. Like this pavement eating saw, for example.

YIKES! This has to be one of my favorite warning labels.

Don't touch it, don't get anywhere near it, just STAY AWAY! We kept moving, through Central Park, and emerged to find the Whitney, right where they said it would be, in all it's big, blocky glory.

Unfortunately, there was no photo taking allowed in the galleries, and you couldn't drive the
Dymaxion car, and so on and so on, so I'll leave you to discover
the wonders of Bucky on your own. The Whitney has a cool ceiling in the lobby, though.

Leaving the museum, we were a bit indecisive as to what our next objective should be.

We walked around, hung out in Central Park, and went into the
Apple cube but it was a crazy zoo so we went right back out again. Then we got milkshakes at someplace called
popburger. It was like a trendy White Castle, but the shakes were good. Some of the walls were good too, in their own creepy way.

We debated the idea of "firm fries" and agreed that it was not really the best description of desirable fry quality. Soggy fries
are gross, but firm fries aren't necessarily the ideal. Milkshakes are good, though.
After a little more aimless wandering, we finally saw the light.

Sorry, I just kind of liked that picture. We then decided to take the train back to New Haven with enough time to spare for some New Haven pizza. New York is great and all, but c'mon, New Haven pizza is the best!

A fine time was had by all, and I did manage to pick up the Bucky exhibit book, Starting With The Universe, and a Bucky DVD that primarily features footage of Bucky himself, to add to my Bucky library.