Wha' Happen?
WARNING: Lots o' photos in this post - big day yesterday...
Friday was
A) Heather's official Party, so I left work early to go take pictures. This one is my favorite.

B) The afterparty, which was low-key hanging out and very fine.

Saturday was
A) The Middletown Garden Club Plant Sale

Nasturtiums that we didn't buy.

Tomatoes, lemon thyme, rosemary, and parsley that we did buy.
B) Breakfast across the river in Portland, CT. This is a corned beef hash omelet. DEEELISCIOUS!

C) The Portland, CT Town-Wide Tag Sale. A tag sale is just a yard/garage/rummage sale, for those of you in the various regions of the world without tags. There were over 100. There was a map. There was lots of stuff. Including things I did not buy...

"American Bocce", uh, I mean Turf Bowling

Box o' snails

Doll heads and bow ties

Something I recall from my youth

The 1970s Garden Van (not technically for sale)
...and the things that came home with us.

Plant stand

French press

Really great little scissors

A smart box of rocks

A 1930s Royal Typewriter
And some books. One I had growing up (it fell apart) about weather, with great illustrations.

(ground those antennas!)

And Introductory Psychology from 1943.

Most of my other vintage volumes of psychology are all text, but this one has pictures, diagrams, tables and charts!

(the northland?)

(germs breed in filth)

(I like cats a lot)

(The caption on this one is "Fig. 65. Can you live with yourself happily and peacefully? Or are you at perpetual odds with yourself?")

(Do you regard the policeman as your friend? Well, do ya punk?)

(psychologically unweaned?!?!)
And this book, just for the title.

And yes, though dusty, the Royal IS a "Touch Control". Also, it was manufactured right here in Hartford, CT.

More (!!!) pictures here.
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