

Ok, so the blog seems sorted out now. Last night we celebrated Stef's birthday with a dinner of Turkish delights, and some quality time at the wine bar, which is conveniently two doors down from the Turkish delights.

I don't have all the legal forms back yet for last night's photos, but I can share pictures from this evening's pumpkin carving party.


Dinner @ this little hole in the wall...


Pardon my mess...

Just trying to use a Bloggerâ„¢ Sanctioned Template so all the features work, which they don't.

Also, I want to get topical posting set up so that if you come here looking for motorcycle info, you don't have to wade through all of the cat pictures, travel photos, and rants to get to it. You could just view motorcycle posts. We'll see how that pans out.

iPod update:

Songs: 4588

Almost half full!


210,000!, originally uploaded by doctorhectic.


stuchelle 2005!

Mixology, originally uploaded by doctorhectic.

OK, all my stuchelle 2005 photos are here.


Photos, Pods, & Possibilities

First things first - Val and I had a fabulous time in San Francisco last weekend, attending Stu and Michelle's wedding. Pictures are here, but I still have a few more to add.

We left RDU at 6:30 am, but that landed us at SFO right around 11:00 am, which was good because baggage and the rental car took FOREVER. We headed into the city proper, and hung out until our friend Naomi (former resident of both Carrboro AND the Twin Cities) was done with work. We ended up meeting (at Naomi's suggestion) at Zeitgeist, a bar we had been to once on one of our previous visits. Of all the bars in all the neighborhoods of all of San Francisco...what are the chances? But it's a really cool place so we had a great time. She then lead us to dinner at the same place (unbeknownst until we saw the place) that we had eaten some great Indian food on that same previous trip.

After all that it was time to pack it up for the East Bay. We said farewell to Naomi and hopped in our Kia Optima, headed across the Bay Bridge and into Berkeley, where we were staying with Gralena.

We were greeted by Graham, Malena, and Nomad Ben, whom no one had seen in several years. We stayed up a little while talking, but soon had to crash due to traveling all day.

The next day was a little brunch with the groom, who recruited Ben and I to come assist with some x-acto tasks for the wedding dinner decor. That ate up the afternoon, which led to the Groom's Dinner, which is where the photos begin.

I came home and on tuesday drove to the Raleigh FedEx HQ to pick up my iPod, which they were unable to deliver at a time I could sign for it. It's getting close to half-full, and I love it. I got an iTrip so I can use it as my car audio, and it works great!


Charging in the bag...

Charging in the bag..., originally uploaded by doctorhectic.




Southerly?, originally uploaded by doctorhectic.



10-06-05_1936.jpg, originally uploaded by doctorhectic.

Clement candy corn

Clement candy corn, originally uploaded by doctorhectic.


If he just added a logo...

If he just added a logo..., originally uploaded by doctorhectic.

...like "VIAGRA" or "BUDWEISER" to his truck, he could probably get full sponsorship of his ride.


Clearly I bought the wrong vehicle...

Sadly, you can just barely make it out through the haze of pocket lint on the cameraphone lens, but the back window "art" on this truck is a woman in a yellow bikini relaxing in the surf on a beach. Whilst I was busy car shopping, looking for reliablility, economy and lack of rust, I forgot to look for CLASS. I mean, ASS.


WRONG!, originally uploaded by doctorhectic.