Val and I attended a special, private screening of a movie this weekend. It was a 9:30pm, Saturday night showing of "From Justin to Kelly", the American Idol movie, starring the first season winner and runner up from American Idol. We didn't win special passes, we didn't rent out the theater, WE WERE THE ONLY ONES WHO CAME TO SEE IT! This is a multi screen theater, right in Raleigh, and, yes, we were a bit embarrassed to be seen going in to the theater, but to be the only ones there on a Saturday night? I left my cell phone on, talked to Val throughout the movie in a loud voice, and sat up as straight as I could with out fear of repercussion. A fine time was had by all. It wasn't as bad as I expected. An updated Frankie & Annette beach movie, except with hovercrafts. Seriously.
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