Film, revisited.
The Konica works! Even sans battery/meter/apeture functionality, the test roll I got back this week looks good. I have high hopes for the second roll WITH full functionality.
The Dirkon is in the process of being lightproofed, via tape and black spray paint. I also need some better glue to hold it (and any subsequent Dirkons) together. I'm hoping for a nice sunny weekend in order to get some successful exposures.
Once I figure out an effective and economical way to scan my negatives, I'll be posting more film photos here.
Small Skully snag. After my completion of my second knit skull, I noticed how small the sleeves were gonna be once they get seamed shut. I'm gonna further modify (mine has stripes, my skull has teeth, etc.) the pattern so the sleeves are larger. All in all, tho', it looks pretty good.
And finally, the latest selections in the loanermobile are:
Velvet Underground:Best Of
Pizzicato 5:
Murder City Devils:
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