Pallirondack progress

The Pallirondack Project update...all the major measurements and cuts have been made, and just this fine, cool evening I layed out and primered some of the pieces. A few planks had some cracks that were administered to with good ol' white glue or in more severe cases, wood putty. All will be gray primer as it comes together, but then Im thinking I'll sand it and paint it a nice shade of blue.

I got a little more ambitious than planned and started drilling some holes and actually piecing things together. There is a little warp to things which will have to be accounted for in the final assembly, but the back legs and the seat came together pretty solidly, and gave me encouragement for the rest of the project. It was dark out by this time, so forgive me the poorly lit seat pic...

If the weather cooperates, I hope to have everything assembled in time to actually sit in the chair this weekend, even if the final paint job has to wait a while.
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