I washed my car today (not pictured above) after a week of slush/melt cycle, and in order to prevent it from freezing shut, I drove it down CT-9 to Essex, home of the steam train museum. Things were pretty quiet there, but they do keep quite a few of the collection pieces outside where you can see them.

They also had a very fine plow.

This is but a tiny sampling of what they have to offer, so sometime this spring I'll have to return. They also do an honesttogod dinner train that you can ride from there, or ride the train north and then take a riverboat back south.
On my meandering way back home I came across about a dozen wild turkeys, out and about, wandering through the woods in a very expensive looking neighborhood.

Not a great picture, but you can see a few of them.
Now the car is relatively clean, and I'm ready for more snow, like the dusting we got this very morning.

I can't believe you did all that stuff while I was watching Ugly Betty and knitting in bed. What other secrets are you hiding, sir?
It's common knowledge that when you knit in bed and watch Ugly Betty episodes on your laptop, I of course go wash my car and take it for a drive down route 9 in order to take pictures of old steam engine locomotives.
Everyone knows that.
Um - so, do you two actually have real conversations or just text each other from opposite rooms of the house?
So THAT'S were the snow was! We didn't get a single flake up here (whew!)
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