M-M-M-Middletown Motorcycle Mania!

Tonight was the first annual Middletown Motorcycle Mania event down on Main Street. I just wandered down to check out the scene for the setup and the first hour. I'm no moto-snob, but a big stack of Harleys and custom choppers isn't really my thing. Out of the first hundred bikes or so that had showed up, I saw one Triumph, one Honda, and the Excelsior-Henderson sidecar rig pictured above. Oh yeah, and the skull bike. I'm sure there were more brands represented throughout the evening, but the bulk of representation was bigger and chrome-yer than my interests.
There was this lovely Honda CB750...
I forgot to document/mention another recent Goodwill find. I've been looking for a globe, just to have a globe around the house. They're useful, they look good, and they remind you how weird it is that we live on this big round rockball, hurtling through space. I found a good one.

(that blur is "simulated spin")
It's a bit out of date...

...but wait, Scan-Globe?, what can that mean???

Not only does it light up, which is more than I could have hoped for in a Goodwill globe, there are two dials at the base that allow you to vaguely pinpoint a location!

Like Hartford! With the light on it also shows you seafloor topology and prevailing currents!

If you would like a location pinpointed, just let me know.
Damn that's sweeeet! To think that technology was available back in the early 80's. I definitely have globe envy. Was that purchased with the Karma $$$$. What'd she set ya' back?
That was actually purchased before the Karma $$$$. FOR $4.99! I could hardly believe it myself.
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