Episode 375, the trash man cometh/saketome

Being so close to Main Street Middletown, we are included in the downtown trash pickup, which means that we have trash pickup four days a week, which means you hardly have to think about it, which means I just take out the trash any ol' time.
Sadly, this devil may care trash attitude has done nothing for my curbside recycling schedule. I KNOW that it is every Wednesday morning, I KNOW what goes in what bin, I'm just not good at putting the stuff out there on Tuesday night so it's ready for that 7am pickup. This means that the recycling piles up until I load it into my car and take it to the Middletown Recycling Center. They also accept old appliances and yard waste, including trees.

I'm not sure, but I think they mulchify most of the yard stuff.
With that out of the way, the evening hours were free and clear for tasty beverages. I had leftover saketini fixins, so that is what I had.

Equal parts Cap-Ace and vodka went into my shaker with some ice, and came out sparkling.

Mrs. Cupcakes suggested the cucumber garnish, ala Mikado(LOOKOUT! Crappy website ahead!), one of our local sushi joints.

It was clean and refreshing, and pretty photogenic, but most martini glasses are.
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