
Classy fan

Classy fan, originally uploaded by doctorhectic.

For some reason this picture didn't come through very clear, or even full size, which is a shame. The guy is wearing a shirt, and the shirt says, "Hey Saddam, get ready for your INSPECTION" and the image (stick with me here) is of a DOG, wearing an UNCLE SAM outfit, and putting a rubber glove on. I don't know where to begin. He obviously loves the shirt enough to keep wearing it, even though the inspections are long gone, and Saddam is in custody, etc. But why is there an UNCLE SAM DOG preparing to do a full body cavity search on the shirt? It gives me strange hope that I can put whatever I want on a t-shirt, and provided that I can get it in front of the right audience, those shirts will sell. Like hotcakes.


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