

Well, I crapped out for NaNoWriMo, but I did realize there are some books I should definitely be reading...

Shop Class As Soulcraft by Matthew B. Crawford

This is one I bought today, about the value of working with your hands, which fewer and fewer people do, but more and more people are needed to do. I'll report back.

There's also a history of the Replacements by Jim Walsh, and a new Nick Hornby book.

AND, if I can track a copy down, The Greatest Finnish Crime Novel of 2009!

(I'll update with links and such, but now I have to go to bed...)


Blogger Unknown said...

I can't comment on the other books, but The Replacements: All Over But The Shouting is great. I really enjoyed it. It's presented as an oral history, and it doesn't seem to shy away from dealing with the more unpleasant aspects of the band's history (like kicking Bob out of the band.)

8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

have you read "the craftsman" it's a similar premise.

12:27 AM  

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