Xmas in Mpls (and the STP)
There's only one thing I wanted for Xmas.


It started out sleety/slushy, but by mid-afternoon the flakes were falling. We got a nice blanketing, just in time for Xmas.
We did have one casualty from the tree trimming. Santa lost hold of his skis.

I went in search of some good ol' Elmer's white glue to help out Santa, and I came across this bottle...

...which was MY bottle...

...in, probably, mmmm let's say, oh 1984. The bottle label says ©1976. Still works! Thank you Elmer's!

Today is the Swedish sausage making party, the sausage making that has been happening in my family for 3.5 generations, maybe longer. The recipe is the same one that my great-grandmother used. Pictures forthcoming...
Dude, your glue is both old and school.
Enjoy the Swedausages!
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