Episode 353, or "Middletown Storm Warning"
The rain is back! Last night our friend Heather came over to sit on our porch and watch thunderstorms roll in. The view isn't great, but the porch was perfect and breezy. And dry.

Today there were light drizzles here and there, but by quittin' time (yes, even us unemployed folks know when it's quittin' time) the storms were back with a vengence. I was at the Goodwill this afternoon, where I procured some clocks...

...and a sewing machine, the "Precision Zig Zag"...

...but on my way home I stopped by the store and picked up the fixin's for a white clam pizza.
"WHITE CLAM PIZZA?" (Reindeer goatcheese pizza?) I hear you ask. Lemme 'splain...
'round these parts, let us say 60% of the clam harvest ends up in New England Clam Chowder (creamy), 20% becomes Manhattan Clam Chowder (tomatoe-y), 15% gets turned into deep fried clam strips, but a precious 5% gets set aside for a regional specialty known as a white clam pizza. The finest is found in New Haven, at Pepe's Pizza, or so I've heard. I have only sampled two of the Middletown varieties, from the First and Last Tavern, and from Gianni's, both delicious.
The general idea is that you skip the tomato sauce in favor of garlic and olive oil, a common white pizza sauce. My attempt was based on the first one I ever had, at the First and Last Tavern. I started with a thin Bobolli pre-made crust, olive oiled it, and let it set a spell. I mixed together two cans of chopped clams, a handfull of chopped parsley, some oregano, lemon juice, 4 cloves of garlic, more olive oil, and just a dash of red pepper flakes. Top the crust and into a 450° oven for 10 minutes or so. At about 8 minutes I threw a few thin lemon slices on top.

Good lord is that good. Especially with a little Caesar Salad on the side. SUCCESS! Even Bucky wanted some.

Speaking of cats, Mouse has decided on a new temperature regulation leg. Left rear.

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