So, a disappointing week overall. No new president, no new job. Thankfully the skies have cleared, and the weather here is fall perfect. Perfect for hiking the local trails to see the leaves. Perfect for putting the motorcycle back together after Halloween. Speaking of which, I found out today that I got on the news for 2 seconds on Halloween. If you click here, and then click on the video link that accompanies the article, you will see me in my motorcycle costume, followed by Ronnie Dobbs and a purple haired Playboy bunny. It is seriously only for 2 seconds, about halfway in, and the quality is pretty crappy. But it's always fun to be on TV!

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- I didn't get the job. Now I know how John Kerry f...
- Greetings Halloweiners! At least I hope you were ...
- Saturday was the Independent Animal Rescue Painted...
- I know I didn't document it on the site, but I o...
- I did make gravlax for this past weekend, but no S...
- I forgot to mention that I bought 4 pounds of salm...
- So, that kitten Lilly that got adopted? Yeah, she ...
- Oh yeah, in case you didn't come in through the fr...
- Adopted foster cat Lilliana... foster ...
- Lilly's getting adopted! Our foster cat of the las...
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